tähän mennessä tapahtunut / happened so far:

Ranua Rescue -kampanja sai alkunsa heinäkuussa 2009 Tervolassa, Etelä-Lapissa, järjestetyllä kansainvälisellä "Ei uraanivoimaa /no uranium power" -leirillä, jonka järjestävänä tahona oli Ydinvoimavapaa Suomi / Nuclear Free Finland -verkosto. VIDEO Tervolan leiristä täällä. Video from Tervola "No Uranium Power" -camp can be found here.
Ranua Rescue on Suomen ensimmäinen maastoon jalkautunut uraanikaivossuunnitelmia vastustava kampanja. Arevan toimia tarkkaileva leiri pystytettiin Asentolamminojalle elokuussa 2009. Kampanjan puitteissa on järjestetty AREVAn Ranuan suunnitelmia vastustavia mielenosoituksia ympäri Suomen sekä muualla Euroopassa, Suomen uraanikaivostilanteesta kertovia infotilaisuuksia sekä uraanikaivosten vaikutuksia käsittelevä seminaari Ranualla 7.11.2009 - jonka yhteydessä järjestettiin myös Ranuan historian suurin (80 hlöä) ja värikkäin mielenosoitus. Ranuan tilanteesta ja uraanikaivoksista on tiedotettu tukikeikoilla, elokuvailloissa ja muissa tapahtumissa useilla muilla paikkakunnilla Suomessa. Ranua Rescuen leiri päätettiin laittaa talviteloille joulukuun alussa, sillä silloin alkoi työ - ja elinkeinoministeriön antaman valtauspäätöksen pitkä odottelu. Kaivosyhtiö vaihtui vapun aattona 30.4.2010 kauppojen myötä AREVAsta kanadalaiseksi Mawson Resources Limited:iksi.Päätöstä valtausoikeudesta ei ole vielä tehty.
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This blog is written both in Finnish and English. English texts written in this colour. Check also our links and news ------>
Canadian uranium mining company Mawson Resources Limited is threatening to poison vast areas in Finnish Lapland by uranium mining. Ranua Rescue campaign started on summer 2009 to stop uranium prospecting in Ranua, a municipality in Southern Lapland. The campaign is internationally oriented and in addition to having a camp in Ranua has arranged demonstrations, info-nights, seminars and support gigs in many cities in Finland to draw attention to the destructing sides uranium mining - an issue hardly discussed in Finland.
Meidät löytää myös Facebookista! You can also find us in Facebook! Here is a video from Ranua Rescue camp (Aug 2009-Dec 2009).

perjantai 28. elokuuta 2009


Municipal government in Ranua, south of Finnish Lapland, 3rd of August 2009 voted yes for the company Areva Resouces Finland Oy plans for prospecting uranium in the municipality - without consulting the municipal board. Now 11 of the municipal board members are trying to get the decision to the board for it to give it's stance. Most of the board members belong to the Central Party of Finland which is very popular in the Finnish countryside. The Party's policy has been very positive towards nuclear energy and uranium mining despite nuclear industry's devastating effects to the environment. Now it's very important to urge especially the board member's belonging to the Central Party to vote NO for uranium mining!

More info in the model letter below.

Contact info of municipal board members (KESK=The Central Party)

All the email addresses in a row:
Mirva.Salmela@ranua.fi, Paivio.karttunen1@luukku.com, keijo.ruonala@osao.fi, Jaanahosio@wippies.fi, Veijo.Illikainen@pp.inet.fi, Kaisa.Illikainen-Niemela@alko.fi, Eila.Impio@pp.inet.fi, Tarja.Impio@ranua.fi, Tuula.Karjalainen@pp.inet.fi, u.karttunen@hotmail.com, rkuoksa@hotmail.com, Hannu.Kuukasjarvi@pp.inet.fi, Jouni.Lohi@hotmail.com, hannuniemin@pp.inet.fi, Matti.Nikula@pp.inet.fi, sotka34@hotmail.com, ismo.petajajarvi@gmail.com, Kirsi.Saaranen@luukku.com, Tapio.Saukko@paliskunnat.fi, pitopalvelu.simontaival@pp.inet.fi, Matti.Simontaival@pp.inet.fi, Toivo.Saaskilahti@luukku.com, Viola.Tarujarvi@pp.inet.fi, Tuomas.Vanhala@roiakk.fi, Lauri.Vaarala@ranuanautokoulu.fi, Anna-Maija.Osterberg@ranua.fi

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am concerned to hear that the french company Areva is planning to dig for uranium in northern Finland. Uranium mining is not the same as mining of usual metals. Uranium and its decay products an known to cause cancer and due to the mining, these substances will be spread in the environment, for example through groundwater, raising cancer rates in the municipality and around.

Arevas policy concerning health risks is not very responsible. The company was even nominated for an Anti Oscar Award in January 2008 as a corporation that has wreaked a lot of social and ecological damage, because Areva is mining uranium in northern Niger where mine workers are not informed about health risks, and analysis shows radioactive contamination of air, water and soil. The local organization that represents the mine workers speaks of "suspicious deaths among the workers, caused by radioactive dust and contaminated groundwater."

If you accept uranium prospecting in Ranua, you will be responsible for the health risks the inhabitants of your community will have to bear. You will be responsible for the spreading of radioactivity in the environment. You will be responsible for higher cancer rates and the early death of people you are supposed to represent. What is more, you are adding to the continuation of operation of nuclear power plants, which are also a continuous health risk to the population and can cause even greater damage due to accidents with even greater emission of radioactivity. Also, the spent fuel rods from nuclear power plants can be used to build atomic bombs and smaller radioactive weapons who contaminate the living environment of normal citizens for many years.

If you take a stand against uranium prospecting in Ranua, your community might not only prevent uranium mining on the grounds of your municipality, but also set an example for other municipalities in Lapland and the whole of Finland. If you speak against uranium prospecting, you can stop these dangerous plans which are more harmful than beneficial and stand up for the interests of the local population.

Please vote NO to uranium prospecting and act against the risks of uranium mining and nuclear power!

Sincere regards,
(your name)

Ranua Rescue Group

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